บทบาทของพื้นที่ประชาสังคม (civic space) ในการเสริมสร้างพลังประชาชนผ่านการมีส่วนร่วม


  • อัญชนา ณ ระนอง


The research studies the roles of civic spaces (in physical terms) in empowering the disadvantaged through participation in various activities in their community. Data on areas and the usage of civic space, and levels of participation, were collected from four slum communities in Bangkok. A qualitative approach, which involves transect walks, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions was employed. The influence of civic spaces on different levels of participation, i.e., informal socializing, and social and community participation, was estimated by multiple regression analysis. The study found that civic space in slum communities in Bangkok and vicinity is quite limited. The lack of civic spaces in squatter communities is more severe than in regular (legalized) communities. Most community members agree that civic space increases socialization within the community. Most regression models show civic space variables to have positive impacts on lnformal socializing and social and community participation.


