Employee Well-being Help to Put Workers Front and Center: The Career Initiatives Priority for Generation Z at Workplace


  • Isaac Kyle Ferdaus Ahmad National Institute of Development Administration


employment, career planning, skill development, employee wellbeing


The S of ESG has received much attention due to the global Covid-19 pandemic situation. The social dimensions in employment which once were ignored or left unattended are now getting traction among Gen Z who will represent a large portion of the workforce. Organizations that are going to recruit new employees should know that Gen Z values health and wellness in the workplace. This generation is driving the change they want to see in the world. They are becoming more politically involved, making a conscious effort to ensure they spend their money with companies that reflect their values and pushing for change on societal issues. Organizations have to rethink their hiring strategy if they intend to attract the best talent. One of the priorities for this generation is an environment that promotes a healthy holistic employee well-being environment. For this to be achieved, many fundamental indicators need to be studied. Person-job (P-J) fit concerning the role and Person-Organization (P-O) fit concerning the culture are instrumental for the newly hired employees to thrive in their careers. When they are mismatched, their well-being will be affected. This could in turn lead to unmotivated interest at work, disengagement, and high turnover. The study is carried out to identify what matters most to this generation. The findings were conclusive that for better employment strategy, organizations must be well prepared to recruit an energetic workforce. It can be done by developing strategic employee programs that include the latest wellness initiatives, creating dynamic job flexibility, relevant job proficiency, better leadership, and a well-connected employee network.


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