Occupation Transition of Frontline Non-Teaching Personnel Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Occupational Transition, Covid-19 Pandemic, Frontline Processes, Non-Teaching Personnel, Online Processes, Pandemic Work ExperienceAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has proved that the environment surrounding higher education institutions (HEI) is changing rapidly, prompting for implementation of new policies and processes to address fast-changing stakeholder needs. This study explored the transition to online front-line processes in HEI during the pandemic and the experiences of non-teaching personnel with new work arrangements. Findings revealed the implementation of online enrollment, admission, examination, hiring, payment, and request processes during the pandemic. Two key themes emerged from pandemic work experiences; (1) working in the pandemic era and (2) overcoming pandemic-related challenges. The study identifies the 5Rs of Pandemic Work Experience for personnel: Resiliency, Reinvention, Recalibration, Reformation, and Rationalization. Challenges included transition, limited online resources, stakeholder management, and compliance delays. The knowledge of these online processes and experiences can inform the development of responsive front-line processes, assisting organizations in sustaining relevance in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world.
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