Management and Stakeholder Collaborations of Community Colleges in Thailand


  • Winaicharn Sapparojpattana Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Community college, education management, public value management, stakeholder collaboration, new public governance, collaborative governance


This study aims at, firstly, understanding and comparing management approaches of education administration in Pichit Community College and Phang-nga Community College, secondly, understanding and comparing stakeholder collaborations in Pichit Community College and Phang-nga Community College and, finally, recommending approaches for education management and stakeholder collaboration of community colleges in Thailand. A conceptual framework is derived from public value management concept and new public governance practices in public administrations, especially in education, in USA and other countries. The research design is a sequential mixed and multiple-case study with dominant qualitative research. The research comprises of quantitative and qualitative data collections and analyses. The quantitative data were collected by questionnaires from 411 inside and outside stakeholders from four community colleges, namely Nan Community College, Burirum Community College, Uthaithani Community College, and Narathiwat Community College, which represented four regions respectively. Analysis adopted some descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient. The qualitative data were collected by individual in-dept interviews and group focused interviews from 49 inside and outside stakeholders of Pichit Community College, Phang-nga Community College, and Institute of Community Colleges. The analysis derived from chronologies, pattern matching and explanation building. It found that management approaches of education administration in Pichit Community College and Phang-nga Community College could respond to local communities only in short-term. Educational standards, planning, procedural operations, and resource allocations were legally bounded from the bureaucratic system in Bangkok. The strategic purpose and plan of developing middle-level manpower not being derived from local communities would not be effective in long-term. In addition, each and every stakeholder to both community college involved in the education management with limited extents and channels. At an individual level, stakeholders participated regularly in operational management in day-to-day activities. However, at an organizational level, cooperations from stakeholders emerged only on a non-binding case-by-case basis. This research recommended a structural reform in laws governing the community colleges in accordance with the empirically proved model of stakeholder leveraged within public value driven collaborative governance.


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