The Relationship between Individual Learning Capability and Intention to Remain: A Case Study of The Semiconductor Industry in The Yangtze River Delta, China
Individual learning capability, intention to remain, organizational change, semiconductor industryAbstract
This research assesses the collective influence of organizational change cognition, organizational trust, and cynicism toward organizational change on employees’ intention to remain in the organization within the semiconductor industry in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Then intention to remain, while analyzing the mediating role of organizational change cognition and organizational trust. Data were collected from 405 full-time employees working in semiconductor companies in the Yangtze River Delta, China. The study employed Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) via AMOS to assess the model fit indices, yielding strong goodness-of-fit results, confirming the reliability and validity of the measures.
The findings reveal a significant correlation between individual learning capability and intention to remain, indicating both direct and indirect connections with change cognition and organizational trust acting as mediating variables. The interaction among learning capability, trust, and cynicism collectively affects employees’ intention to remain, whereas change cognition shows no significant direct correlation with intention to remain.
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