Social Capital Formation at Urban Level in Bangladesh: A Comparison of Two City Corporation


  • Md Nahidul Islam Department of Public Administration, Comilla University, Bangladesh


Social capital, service delivery, performance, governance, city corporations


In a society that is becoming more urbanized, local governments are crucial to the welfare of the populace and the efficient provision of essential services. There is a consensus that strong metropolitan local governments are essential for generating sustained economic growth, improved public services, and the growth of social capital. The level of trust that residents have in their local government organizations is directly related to how satisfied they are with the services they receive. The purpose of the current study is to determine how satisfied Bangladeshi individuals are with city corporations, a type of urban local government entity. The goal of the study is to pinpoint the variables that may account for the variations in citizens' satisfaction with the establishment of social capital in urban local government organizations. The study used a hybrid methodology based on survey results and key informant interviews (KII), in which 200 respondents from each of the two city corporations in the nation shared their thoughts. This study contributes by suggesting some fresh angles for a better understanding of Bangladeshi citizens' levels of social capital formation toward city corporations.


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