Performance Assessment System of Subdistrict Chiefs (Kamnan) and Village Heads (Phuyaiban): Citizen Participation and Management Perspectives
Performance evaluation, village headmen, tambon (sub-district) headmanAbstract
This study examine a performance assessment system used in Thailand to evaluate subdistrict chiefs (Kamnan) and village heads (Phuyaiban). Apart from extensive document analyses, data were gathered in-depth interview and focus group discussion with stakeholder groups, including subdistrict chiefs, village heads, citizens, and provincial government officials in eight provinces randomly selected from every region.
Findings reveal several weaknesses of the performance assessment system. First, it does not serve as an accountability mechanism but has been used only to dismiss or extend tenure of subdistrict chiefs and village heads. Second, the committee does not have full control of the assessment process, because a appeals committee may adjudicate conflicts between assessment committees committees and those being evaluated. Third, it is difficult to develop the best performance assessment system.
Findings indicate the performance assessment system can benefit from citizen participation. The assessment committee should consist of representatives from all stakeholder groups and should be chosen based on an inclusive and transparent process. Performance indicators must asses physical and psychological attributes of the subdistrict chiefs and village heads, as well as their performance, leadership, and citizen satisfaction.
Assistants of subdistrict chiefs and village heads should be eligible for government pensions and benefi ts. Subdistrict chiefs and village heads should be required to submit annual performance reports, to be made publicly available. The Interior Ministry should institute a policy to deal with sub-optimal performance.