The development of rural into the urban A case study Doi Mon Cham, Mea Rim district, Chiang Mai province

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Wasan Pounpunwong



This research topic on “The development of rural into the urban A case study Doi Mon Cham, Mea Rim district, Chiang Mai province” aims to 1) study on the urban development of rural areas in Doi Mon Cham 2) study the effects from the urban development in Doi Mon Cham in terms of political, economic, social and environmental analysis. The qualitative research using in-depth interview and non-participant observation was done. Moreover, the additional data was also collected during the field work.

The study found that there are pros and cons according to the urban development.   In Nong Hoi community, the development caused a good cooperation between state agencies and the community. Also, it creates the better facilities which attract and facilitate the tourists. To clarify this, the economic change was happened because the local agricultures focus on tourists’ services and business rather than the agriculture nowadays.  Next, the local authorities are the key people who transfer knowledge concerning the infrastructure development to the locals. Thirdly, the life style of the villagers living in Doi Mon Cham has been changed since they use more and more technology in order to serve the tourism business and attract more tourists. Lastly, the fourth outcome that found in this research was the increasing of air pollution and waste problem due to the increasing number of tourists.

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How to Cite
Pounpunwong, W. (2017). The development of rural into the urban A case study Doi Mon Cham, Mea Rim district, Chiang Mai province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 8(2), 55–80. Retrieved from
Research Article


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