Politics of Tourism Promotion: A Case of Car Rent Business in Chiang Mai Province

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Aiyada Park
Jantana Suttijaree


This study aims to study on political problems related to the tourism promotion: a case of car rent business in Chiang Mai province and to suggest the solution of the problems.  The in-depth interview was conducted based on 4 different groups of interviewees; supporters of tourism promotion policy, law enforcements, car rent business owners and foreign tourists. The area of this study was in Chiang Mai municipality and the time frame was during 2013 to 2015 when a great number of tourists, specifically Chinese tourists, traveled to Chiang Mai province. As a result, the tourism industry was growing so fast causing both positive and negative impacts to Chiang Mai’s society.

The finding of this study shows that the conflicts between car rent business owners, law enforcement and the supporters of tourism promotion policy caused the problems in Chiang Mai province. Due to unclear regulations and law enforcement for the car rent business in Chiang Mai, many people involved in the business tended to take advantages from legal gaps.

Therefore, this study would suggest that the authority has to launch law enforcement for car rent business in Chiang Mai province. Moreover, all parties should be involved corporately as well as full participation should be called from local people in order to help screening law enforcement or solve conflict problems.

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How to Cite
Park, A., & Suttijaree, J. (2017). Politics of Tourism Promotion: A Case of Car Rent Business in Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 8(2), 81–101. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/107762
Research Article


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