Robert W. Cox's Thoughts on Civilization and American Hegemony

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Kritsada Theerakosonphong


This article studies the thoughts of Robert W. Cox regarding civilization. In 1940s, Cox proposed about political conflict in Quebec based on Canadian civilization, including the issues on race, language, and religion. He proposed the concept of civilization after cold war because he disagreed with Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama for putting an emphasis on political conflicts over structural economic and social relations. Arguably, the civilization conflict was formed since the Westphalian inter-state system and established by the Western nations. Thus, American Hegemony aiming to dominate of a one civilization in the 21st Century is still clashed with Chinese civilization in Global Capitalism and Islamic civilization to counter the Western civilization.  By using terrorism, that might be called counter-hegemony.

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How to Cite
Theerakosonphong, K. (2017). Robert W. Cox’s Thoughts on Civilization and American Hegemony. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 8(2), 151–168. retrieved from
Academic Article


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