Russia’s Eastward Turn and Relationship between Russia and China after Russo-Georgian War in 2008

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Thansuda Tepgul


This article is a study on Russia’s eastward turn during its worsening relationship with the western countries since the 2008 Georgia War. It is also related to the western economic and financial crisis including Ukraine Crisis which led to annexation of Crimea by Russia. These situations contributed to Russia’s moving far from the west and getting close to the east in order to seek partners as to avoid western pressure and sanction and also to construct a new power that is independent from the west. In principle, Russia’s Eastward Turn is supposed to move far from the west to the east of Moscow or at least turn to what is not Western–centric world–view. However, in practice, the attempt seemed to work well with China which can be obviously seen from the fact that their relationship was improved and their strategic partnership progressed to be deep and comprehensive. As for the other eastern actors, the western condition is the main obstacle that is difficult to solve compared to China. So, ‘turn to the east’, in the other word, is ‘pivot to China’ where its goal is to create a new power countering the west and use their familiarity searching for new opportunities in Asia – Pacific region through Russia Far East.

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How to Cite
Tepgul, T. (2018). Russia’s Eastward Turn and Relationship between Russia and China after Russo-Georgian War in 2008. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(1), 112–139. retrieved from
Academic Article


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