Organization Development Toward High Performance Organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern Region

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Wasana Lertmalao
Thepasak Boonyarataphan


The purposes of this study were to (1) study the successful level of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region (2) compare the deferential level of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region (3) study factors influencing the success of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region and (4) recommend appropriate guidelines for enhancing further success of the organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region.

This study was a survey research. Population was 8,339 lecturers and officers at 11 Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region. The sample consisted of 382 people, calculated by using Taro Yamane formula at 95% confidence level with stratified random samplings and simple sampling. The research instruments were a questionnaire an open-ended questionnaire, an In-depth interview was conducted with 3 university representatives: Loei Rajabhat University, Roi-Et Rajabhat University and Sisaket Rajabhat University. The statistical tool for data analysis was t-test, One Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis.

Research results revealed that (1) the successful level of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region was not less than 80%, (2) The success of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region was at a deferential level, (3) An analysis of the relationship between those factors and the results of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region showed that Competency, Human Resource Management: HR Scorecard, Strategic Management, Teamwork and Strategic Leadership Influenced on the successful level of organization development toward high performance organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern region, and (4) The results of this research suggested that personnel should be encouraged to understand core competencies and job competencies, motivating personnel to use technology to increase productivity, giving an opportunity for personnel to participate in strategic planning and to understand the organizational direction, promoting teamwork and accepting different opinions and managing should focus on the goals of the organization and finding solutions to the problematic management in case of change management.

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How to Cite
Lertmalao, W., & Boonyarataphan, T. (2018). Organization Development Toward High Performance Organization of Rajabhat Universities in Northeastern Region. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(2), 209–248. retrieved from
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