The Guidelines for Creating the Local Administrative Organization Best Practices on Strengthening Network Government, Private and Civil Society: A Case Study of Roi-Et Municipality

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Alongkot Sarakarn
Saksit Karlers


The objective of this research study was to: 1) study the local administrative organization best practices on the Strengthening of public, private and civil society networks, and 2) to transmit the lessons of local administrative organization that excel in the networking of state, Civil society by used Qualitative Research methodology. Documentary Research and In-depth Interview,

The results revealed that, the operation of Roi-Et municipality through The Project “Cooperation Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation”, The Project “Development of the Child Development Center”, and The Project “Development quality of life for children and youths outside the educational system in the municipality”. There is a collaborative network initiative. There are actors from the government. Private sector and the people who come to have role in planning, implementing and mobilizing resources together. It is structured, collaborative and goal-oriented. The results of this study can be applied to local administrations which have similar problems, size of budget, location and personnel. Focus on actions that are in line with government policies or support. It also includes the potential of local administrative organization to seek and maintain partnerships to support their work.

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How to Cite
Sarakarn, A., & Karlers, S. (2018). The Guidelines for Creating the Local Administrative Organization Best Practices on Strengthening Network Government, Private and Civil Society: A Case Study of Roi-Et Municipality. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(1), 29–58. retrieved from
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