Inquiry-Based Learning: an Effective Pedagogical Approach for Empowering 21st Century Learners and Education 4.0 in Thailand

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Nattiya Bunwirat
Somsak Boonsathorn


The two main factors, which have effects on education in Thailand, are the 21st century education and Education 4.0. The concept of the 21st century education has defined the pedagogical paradigm in Thailand for several years. Another factor, namely Education 4.0, has recently emerged as a result of the latest national economic development plan of Thailand. To succeed in learning, learners have to develop several skills, which are addressed as essential for living and working in the future. Thai teachers have been inevitably challenged by the changing trends of education. Based on the theory of constructivism, Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is suggested by educators as one of the effective pedagogy approaches for the 21st century education. This paper addresses the utilities of IBL and encourages Thai teachers to introduce IBL to their classrooms to promote Education 4.0 and the 21st century education at the same time. IBL principles and successful studies regarding IBL are discussed to guide teachers how to integrate IBL into classroom activities to help students acquire knowledge and gain necessary skills for living and working in the globalizing world.

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Bunwirat, N., & Boonsathorn, S. (2018). Inquiry-Based Learning: an Effective Pedagogical Approach for Empowering 21st Century Learners and Education 4.0 in Thailand. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(1), 163–183. retrieved from
Academic Article


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