The parallel of energy and investment policy of Myanmar

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Parnhathai Wasanawijit


The objective of the article is to study the policy implementation of energy reformation in parallel with investment reformation of Myanmar, along with the impact of such policy in the early 2010s (2010–2015). During that period, Myanmar government was led by President Thein Sein who emphasized energy and investment policies by enacting related laws, such as the Electricity Law, Environmental Conservation Law, Macroeconomic Reform Policy, Foreign Investment Law, and Myanmar Citizens Investment Law. Moreover, the establishment of various agencies that function as mechanisms in order to drive the country's energy policies. The findings show that the policy implementation of energy reformation in parallel with investment reformation in 2010–2015 resulted in a surge of foreign direct investment into Myanmar, particularly the investment in energy infrastructure, for instance natural gas, oil, hydropower, and coal.

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How to Cite
Wasanawijit, P. (2018). The parallel of energy and investment policy of Myanmar. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 9(1), 140–162. retrieved from
Academic Article


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