The Energy Mix and the Impact of China’s Renewable Energy Development in Tibet: The Loss of Human Security

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Suppawit Kaewkhunok


China's energy situation has changed dramatically, especially after the 1990s, when the economy was growing fast that led to the increasing consumption of huge amounts of electricity. This situation led to the development of renewable energy in various areas throughout the country in the 2000s, including the Tibet Autonomous Region, which is well-equipped with water resources and has tremendous potential for generating electricity from solar energy. The growth of renewable energy investments in the Tibetan area, both hydropower and solar, has led to an attempt to analyse the role of renewable energy in the overall energy mix and its impact through the energy security and human security frameworks. The study focuses on analysing the variable energy mix after the 21st Century. In this regard, the study concentrates on how much the potential of renewable energy is to increase the energy mix. At the same time, this study explores the effects and benefits of renewable energy development at the local level, based on the case of Tibet Autonomous Region, through qualitative research based on primary and secondary data. The main argument of this article is the expansion of renewable energy development in Tibet which expected to serve the local people cannot fulfil those goals because this project also creates human security problems that have not happened in any case of renewable energy development.

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Kaewkhunok, S. (2019). The Energy Mix and the Impact of China’s Renewable Energy Development in Tibet: The Loss of Human Security. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 10(1), 231–250. retrieved from
Academic Article


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