Factors Affecting to Elderly Victims of Crimes in Bangkok Area

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Phisit Rakangwong
Prapon Sahapattana


The research was conducted by using survey research which collecting data from 525 elderly victims of crimes in the Bangkok area. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and logistic regression analysis.

The research found that the top three of elders' crime victimization, sorted by priority, are psychological/emotional abuse, financial/material abuse, and neglect. The factors that affect elderly crime victimization are personal factors (education and career), behavioral factors (life, health) and residence's environmental factors (residential type, surveillance system, lighting, and maintenance).

The solution is to encourage the activities that promote the family relationship. Community stakeholders and police officers should meet elderly people and emphasize distributing police officers in the Bangkok area thoroughly along with supporting mobile medical units for elderly people who cannot access medical services and organizing the community to be orderly. As well as installing CCTV cameras at various risk areas and communities to help track down the offenders, In order to trace criminal and reduce frequency of crime as well.

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How to Cite
Rakangwong, P., & Sahapattana, P. (2019). Factors Affecting to Elderly Victims of Crimes in Bangkok Area. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 10(2), 45–66. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/141378
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