International Tourists’ Self - Protection from Becoming Victims of Crime at Khao San Road, Bangkok

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Arisa Phan-aiem
Dhiyathad Prateeppornnarong


The purposes of this are three points: (1) to examine the extent to which international tourists visiting Khao San Road, Bangkok have protected themselves from becoming victims of crime, (2) to compare the level of self-protection among international tourists with different genders, age groups, nationalities, number of travels, number of people travelling with, the consumption of news reports on crime and personal experiences of falling victim to crime, and (3) to provide information to those involved in determining guidelines or finding ways to reduce crime in the area of Khao San Road. Data in this research was collected from 100 international tourists visiting Khao San Road. When it comes to data analysis, descriptive statistics such as percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation were used to present the collected data while inferential statistics such as T-Test and ANOVA were adopted for the comparison of the level of self-protection among international tourists. The finding indicate an average level of self-protection against becoming victims of crime among international tourists at Khao San Road. The finding also show that the level of self-protection of international tourists with different genders and personal experiences of falling victim to crime are statistically different at 0.05.

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How to Cite
Phan-aiem, A., & Prateeppornnarong, D. (2020). International Tourists’ Self - Protection from Becoming Victims of Crime at Khao San Road, Bangkok. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(1), 91–114. retrieved from
Research Article


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