The Section 44 as the Hegemonizing Apparatus of the National Council for Peace (NCPO) Government

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Pichamon Sriraksasin
Pailin Phujeenaphan


This article aims to present the use of state apparatus by the government of the National Council for peace government (NCPO). The government has used coercion to dominate in the political society area, that included the military, the police, the law, the court, and the government. The use of this power determines the role and function of the people in society as to whether or not to practice anything. The apparatus used by the government to dominate the social and political space is the use of Section 44 to govern the society in order to empower the government. But after the legislation was based on the Section 44, there is a current anti-law that is based on the Section 44 of the people in society called Counter Hegemony. Counter Hegemony is a trend to against the Section 44 from people in society so it shows the dominance of the government began to challenge and the government must give more attention to the society for reduce resistance from society. In this article the author has adopted the concept of Hegemony by Antonio Gramsci, that describes about the creation of dominance of the ruling class, who want to create an area to convey their own ideologies to the people in society through the use of state apparatus (The Section 44) which is a tool to dominate of National Council for peace government (NCPO).

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How to Cite
Sriraksasin, P., & Phujeenaphan, P. (2020). The Section 44 as the Hegemonizing Apparatus of the National Council for Peace (NCPO) Government. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(1), 171–188. retrieved from
Academic Article


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