The Settlement of Chinese in Myanmar: Development of Community, Economic, Social, Culture and Politics

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Wasan Pounpunwong


This article reflects the settlement and emigration of Chinese people in Myanmar. The periods of the study are divided as follows: 1) the development of the Chinese community in Myanmar prior to the Colonial Era (1284-1644), 2) the development of the Chinese community in Myanmar in the British Empire (1885-1948), and 3) the development of the Chinese community in Myanmar after the Colonial Era (1948-present). From the division of periods in this study, this article presents the analyzed issues that lead to the settlement of Chinese people in Myanmar as follows: 1) the emigration of Chinese people under the impact of maritime trade in Southeast Asia, 2) the emigration of the Chinese people to Southeast Asia and the change of the communism in China, and 3) the conflict incurred in the Myanmar society under the government of Chinese descent leader. The developments were gradually changes in each period, depending on the situations of China and Myanmar.

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How to Cite
Pounpunwong, W. (2020). The Settlement of Chinese in Myanmar: Development of Community, Economic, Social, Culture and Politics. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 195–218. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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