Tourism Network Governance of Ban Mae Kampong Village, Huay Kaew Sub–district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province

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Pimpika Nuancha
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


This research on the Tourism Network Governance of Mae Kampong Village, Huay Kaew Sub–district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province has 3 objectives as follows: 1) to study the process of collaboration between the public sector, private sector, citizen sector and tourists regarding the tourist management; 2) to study ecotourism management; and 3) to study the impacts resulting from the tourism management of Mae Kam Pong Village. The study is based on qualitative method by collecting data from primary sources, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and non-participative observation. The 36 informants are representatives from the government, private sector, public sector and tourists. The study findings reveal the following: 1) the process of collaboration regarding the tourist management of Mae Kam Pong Village has been included in every step of planning implementative, data exchange, negotiations, agreements, evaluations and records of agreements; 2) the tourism management of Mae Kam Pong Village has based on the principles of ecotourism; and 3) the tourism management of Mae Kam Pong Village reaches its initial goals.


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How to Cite
Nuancha, P. ., & Ladavalya Na Ayuthya, S. (2020). Tourism Network Governance of Ban Mae Kampong Village, Huay Kaew Sub–district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 29–54. retrieved from
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