Interpretative Theory: Tradition, Narrative, and the Influence of Belief on Public Affairs

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Chutidech Metheechutikul


This essay aims to introduce the interpretative theory for the governance. The interpretative theory stresses on the idea, meaning, belief, and action, which significantly affect the practice of government. This theory tries to concentrate on understanding and demonstrating the changing form of government’s action following the governance. The essay, then, describes the ontological concepts, the situated agency, the practice, and the restrictive power. These ideas forge the fundamental understanding of the interpretative theory. Next, the essay considers the method employed in the analysis of the interpretative theory for public administration. In addition, this essay exemplifies the application of theory. Finally, the essay demonstrates the possibility to apply the interpretative theory in Thai Public Affairs studies.

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How to Cite
Metheechutikul, C. . (2020). Interpretative Theory: Tradition, Narrative, and the Influence of Belief on Public Affairs. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 253–278. retrieved from
Academic Article


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