Effectiveness of Illegal Smuggled Immigration Management on the Thai-Myanmar Bordered Natural Lines of the Border Patrol Police Bureau

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Anuntaporn Upatump
Patom Oon-Ob
Chachadakorn Kaomanchan


This paper aims to study the effectiveness of the smuggled immigration management on the Thai-Myanmar natural border lines, including the affecting factors achievement and the relationship between the influencing factors and the achievement of management. Mixed methods was used to conduct the research (Quantitative research and Qualitative research). The size of sampler was 400 questionnaires surveyed from operation police officers company (Commissioned officers and Non-commissioned officers). Descriptive statistics also derived from total of 29 interviewers included, the key informant by in-depth interviews got from external executives, internal executives and operation company commanders included group seminar. The research result found that, the top level of administrative achievement on the issue of smuggled immigration was the quality of service from border patrol police to prevent, suppress, arrest and impel smugglers. It also found that, the most effected factor to manage was the culture of organization. In addition, the relationship between influencing factor and result of achieve management on the issue of smuggled immigration showed that, the highest relationship was leadership with organization development. The recommendation for development of border area management should focus on development of operation staffs, community relation and civil affairs are the key tools for support mission of intelligence news, networking and participation of people in area.

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How to Cite
Upatump, A. ., Oon-Ob, P. ., & Kaomanchan, C. . (2021). Effectiveness of Illegal Smuggled Immigration Management on the Thai-Myanmar Bordered Natural Lines of the Border Patrol Police Bureau. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(1), 255–282. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/180335
Research Article


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