Public Value Creation Process of Innovation Community Forest Management Project Nonghai Village, Khuangpao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province

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Darin Damdeang
Ubon Yawainawichai
Pojjana Pichitpajja


The research aims to 1) investigate the public value creation process of innovation community forest management project in Nonghai village and 2) study the roles of the involved parties that help to develop public value creation process of innovation through community forest management project in Nonghai village. The snowball sampling technique was applied in this qualitative research. Thirty subjects comprising of local people, community leaders, government officers and civilians, were randomly selected by non-probability sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Data was collected through document study, semi-structured interviews, and observations. The results show that the integrated collaboration between all parties was formed as the public value creation process into 4 stages: 1) co-experience, 2) co-define, 3) co-elevation, and 4) co-development.

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How to Cite
Damdeang, D., Yawainawichai, U. ., & Pichitpajja, P. . (2020). Public Value Creation Process of Innovation Community Forest Management Project Nonghai Village, Khuangpao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 55–86. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Darin Damdeang, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Chiang Mai University




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