A Review of Literature for the International Bureaucracy and the Case Study of Human Resource Management in the International Labour Office

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Kritsada Theerakosonphong


The concept of international bureaucracy is integrating across the disciplines of international relations (IR) and public administration (PA). The study of IR focuses on the influence of the executive’s decision-making process. Meanwhile, PA emphasizes structure, administration, policy, and strategic plan in the organization. In a case study of the International Labour Office, the Human Resource Development Department (HRD) promotes increased flexible employment and organizational agility, in contrast to the concept of industrial relations. They are reduced collective bargaining and determined fixed-term contracts in the form of precarious work. This leads to a decreasing role of the staff union and a lack of work-life balance practices. Therefore, this article suggests that the priority of the HRD is to concentrate on types of employment instead of promoting workforce diversity and engagement on the Human Resources Strategy 2018-2021.


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How to Cite
Theerakosonphong, K. (2020). A Review of Literature for the International Bureaucracy and the Case Study of Human Resource Management in the International Labour Office. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 11(2), 279–314. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/191048
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