The Formulation of Political Power by the Political Group in Tambon NongTao, KaoLiao District, Nakhon Sawan Province

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Dhirapong Promwichai
Rata Anuttaranggoon
Nuntiya Sattayawatee


The article aims to study and analyze trends of the formulation of political power by the political group in Tambon NongTao, KaoLiao District, Nakhon Sawan Province through the concept of the formulation of political power, patron-client system, and hegemony. The research has found that the social and cultural factors are first two steps to gain the political factors. The patronage system facilitates the use of bio-power to enter position of “Assistant Village Headman,” then the assistant village headman will take himself to the position of candidate for election of “Village Headman” in order to justify his power according to the principle of authority. After winning the election, the village headman needs experience and knowledge from the sub-district administrative committee for proactive and reactive local administration. The political group in Tambon NongTao has divided the political workers into three teams including: 1) practitioners, 2) strategists, and 3) academic and technology workers under the lead of “Sub-district Headman.” The practical approach called “tracking water activities,” which is the economic factor has repeated from 1998 until present day, this political group has successfully created the hegemonic status in the area. These three factors allow political group can establish the strong political power base and promote the member to be the candidate for the Chief of NongTao Sub-district Administrative Organization in 2020.



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How to Cite
Promwichai, D. ., Anuttaranggoon, R. ., & Sattayawatee, N. (2021). The Formulation of Political Power by the Political Group in Tambon NongTao, KaoLiao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(1), 157–186. retrieved from
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