Migrant Health Volunteers, Border Commons, and Border City Development

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Aranya Siriphon
Thapin Phatcharanuruk


Based on a documentary research and results from three case studies in Tak, Chiang Rai and Mukdahan provinces, this article explores border health policy, health preventive mechanism and system dealing with cross-border diseases and border health issues. One of the main government mechanisms is setting up groups of migrant workers, working as “Migrant Health Volunteers” (MHV hereafter). This MHV aims to support and facilitate border health prevention and promotion programs. According to our research, it is found that MHVs who work for the Community-Based Health Centers and Twin Villages along the borders are the most effective factor to support the border health policy. Moreover, the MHVs have widely connected the migrant workers and public health officers both in Thai and neighboring borders as well as Thai and International NGOs. Arguably, not only acting as human resource to boost border economy, these migrant workers are effective mechanism for cross-border health promotion and risk prevention. This article suggests that Thai administration at both central and local has upgraded the MHV mechanism for cross-border disease prevention to be more systematic and official in order to effectively promote health security along the border.

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How to Cite
Siriphon, A., & Phatcharanuruk, T. (2021). Migrant Health Volunteers, Border Commons, and Border City Development. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(2), 23–46. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/239988
Research Article


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