The Synthesis of Smart City Roles Affecting to Reduce Social Inequality: The Meta – Synthesis

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Akarawin Sasanapitak Sasanapitak
Somsak Amornsiriphong


A smart city is a model of city development applying a variety of technologies to provide people with public service and urban administrative assistance. Most people usually recognize that the roles of smart city are specifically involved in such scientific issues as information technology, engineering, and city design. In fact, such roles are related to other dimensions, especially those in social science. The primary objective of this article, therefore, was to synthesize the roles of smart city that affect the reduction of social inequality. Applying the meta-synthesis method to electronic academic databases in social science and inter-disciplinary, three databases were deliberately selected, resulting in 10 articles to be synthesized. The results revealed that the roles of smart city affecting the social inequality reduction comprised 5 issues: 1) the creation of fairness in resource allocation for citizens, 2) the urban development and transparent bureaucratic system, 3) the career promotion and income enhancement, 4) the encouragement of communication and public engagement, and 5) the promotion of equality in gender and social class. So, it can be stated that technologies and innovations that help develop the city are also advantageous to the citizens since they could initiate equal access to benefits, services, and information, reducing former obstacles that cause inequality of opportunity in public service.



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How to Cite
Sasanapitak, A. S., & Amornsiriphong, S. (2021). The Synthesis of Smart City Roles Affecting to Reduce Social Inequality: The Meta – Synthesis. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(Suppl. 1), 7–28. retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biographies

Akarawin Sasanapitak Sasanapitak, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Phranakon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University





Somsak Amornsiriphong, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Mahidol University





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