Decentralization and the Use of Local Authority: A Case Study of District Ordinance Issuance in Natural Resource Management

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Olarn Ongla


In this article, the author proposes two issues as the following. First, the study focuses on a review to demonstrate the guideline of decentralization. This guideline offers the link to local communities’ power and focuses on the community-based participation for local development and problem solving. Second, the implementation of decentralizing concept and the authorities to resolve the problem of forest and land management are also highlighted under the Local Administrative Organization’ authorities and the Local Ordinance on Natural Resource Management and Environment. The results could lead to systematic solutions for local problems.


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How to Cite
Ongla, O. . (2021). Decentralization and the Use of Local Authority: A Case Study of District Ordinance Issuance in Natural Resource Management. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(Suppl. 1), 95–114. retrieved from
Academic Article
Author Biography

Olarn Ongla, Political Science, Maejo University Phrae Campus





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