Death Penalty in the United Nations Guideline on the Most Serious Crime

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Tulakarn Khayankhanket


The purpose of this qualitative research was to study the guidelines of Thai society concerning the death penalty. Using in-depth interviews with policy-makers, policy leaders in action, civil society groups and academic groups, the study found that the United Nations death penalty regulations and guidelines for the most serious crimes comprise the international standards, even though each country may have a different social and cultural context. In the case of Thailand, punishing innocents can result from errors in criminal prosecution. Considering the death penalty as judicial punishment specifically in cases of premeditated murder, the death penalty could be the most appropriate guideline since it involves loss of life.  Additionally, the death penalty could be suspended in practice. Regarding Thai culture and society, there are several penalties that could replace capital punishment for the most severe offenses, yet they do not correspond to the United Nation guidelines. Adding more imprisonment in some cases, which are supposed to be solely sentenced to death can be an alternative. Likewise, long-term imprisonment with fixed time for acquittal and life imprisonment without mitigation is a possibility. Lastly, enabling opportunities to execute prisoners creates value to society. These are potentially generated by adjusting the United Nations guidelines for the death penalty in cases involving the most serious crimes in order to be consistent and appropriate in Thailand.




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How to Cite
Khayankhanket, T. . (2021). Death Penalty in the United Nations Guideline on the Most Serious Crime. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 12(Suppl. 1), 57–94. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Tulakarn Khayankhanket, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University





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