Guidelines for the Development of Collaboration in the Marine and Fisheries Sectors Between Thailand and the Republic of Korea

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Kwang ho Song
Siripong Ladavalya Na Ayuthya


The objective of this research were to: 1) study collaboration in the marine and fisheries sectors in port management, container shipping and maritime logistics between Thailand and the Republic of Korea (2014-2020); 2) analyze the needs of public and private sectors of both countries to improve collaboration listed above; and 3) provide a framework for collaboration that needs to be negotiated, discussed, and improved to reach consensus current and in the future. The research methodology was based on qualitative research by gathering data from related documents and in–depth interviews with governmental officials, private sector and academic sector representatives from both countries. This research shows the following results. First, there were collaborations in port management, container shipping and marine logistics to build smart ports and improve logistics efficiency in areas such as customs clearance, infrastructure, transportation and information technology and competence of logistics service providers for both government and business. Second, the government of the Republic of Korea has expectation and is ready to cooperate in developing smart ports in Thailand so that it can provide one-stop services including activities related to the maritime industry. Third, the collaboration framework to be developed include: establishment of network, research on port management, exchange of personnel and the establishment of an expert committee to jointly supervise the various responsibilities of conducting business by private companies in the EEC.

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How to Cite
Song, K. ho, & Na Ayuthya, S. L. (2022). Guidelines for the Development of Collaboration in the Marine and Fisheries Sectors Between Thailand and the Republic of Korea. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(1), 147–174. retrieved from
Research Article


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