The Establishment of Islamic State in Madinah of the Prophet Muhammad

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Samart Thongfhua


This research article aimed to study the concept of the political ideology of the Islamic State in Prophet Muhammad’s era for establishing the Islamic State of Madinah. This research was conducted qualitatively based on documentary research, in-depth interview and focus group discussions. The research result found that the Prophet Muhammad’s Islamic state was formed during Prophet Mohammad’s reign using the Madinah constitution to accept the coexistence of people in society with peace and non-violence to rule both Muslims and non-Muslims. Moreover, the Prophet’s period was considered peaceful and full of mutual cooperation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

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How to Cite
Thongfhua, S. . (2022). The Establishment of Islamic State in Madinah of the Prophet Muhammad. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 13(2), 57–74. retrieved from
Research Article


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