Sportspeople-centred Design in Sports Policy Making

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Pedithep Youyuenyong


Self-regulation in global sports started its development hand in hand with promoting integrity, fair play and socio-economic interests. In fact, the main object for governing sports should be to protect the well-being of sports participants and provide fair treatment of the general public and society in global sports. To ensure that standards of global sports contribute to self-governance in global sports, standards need to be owned and overseen by all relevant representative global sports' body themselves and should not promote a particular view of a single monopolistic group of sports stakeholders that unreasonably lead to unfair treatment and deceptive or wrongful practice by maintaining monopoly power of them. Sportspeople-centred design in sports policy making should emerge as an approach to shaping sports policies. It may be able to involve taking the perspective of participants and stakeholders in global sports being served by sports policies at all stage processes. Nevertheless, this paper argues that any formation of sports policy in different sports segments must seriously consider the potential roles of self-regulation and autonomy in sports as a couple of key mechanisms of developing the design processes of sports policies in the different spheres of sports governing segments.

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How to Cite
Youyuenyong, P. (2023). Sportspeople-centred Design in Sports Policy Making. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(1), 247–268. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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