An Analysis of the New Public Management “Old Wine in New Bottles?”

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Suchanoot Phantaneeya


This article aims to (1) present theoretical criticism about NPM from scholars’ perspectives (2) present scholars’ practical criticism over NPM and (3) make comparisons among the Old Public Administration (OPA), the New Public Administration (NPA), and the New Public Management (NPM), in order to draw a conclusion about whether NPM is just “old wine in new bottles?”. As a result of the review of literature, it can be concluded that NPM may not be “old wine” because some concepts and approaches from private sector are utilized to solve the bureaucracy issue remarkably such as downsizing, reengineering, privatization as well as paying attention to the customer satisfaction. Although some aspects of NPM are similar to OPA such as the aspect that the people are customer then public sector must deliver the best public service as well as the service effectiveness and service value. However, considering it from the different paradigms could lead to the different perspective.

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How to Cite
Phantaneeya, S. (2024). An Analysis of the New Public Management “Old Wine in New Bottles?”. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(1), 319–344. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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