Breaking Barriers: A Study on Collaboration and Integrated Development in Bueng Kan Province, Thailand

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Somwang Areeaue
Suriyanon Pholsim


Collaboration has recently become an integral part of public management. In this study, we examine the obstacles to collaborative actions among the public, private, and civic sectors in Bueng Kan. It also examines ways to promote collaborative actions and integrated development for the Bueng Kan Provincial Office. This study employs a mixed research methodology involving interviews as well as questionnaires, with 78 samples taken from the targeted population. There are two groups of samples: the first group includes 38 governmental and private executives interviewed, and the second group includes 40 citizens surveyed from 8 districts across the province. The authors use Microsoft Excel to analyze quantitative data and apply Atlast.ti. to analyze qualitative data. The results show that Bueng Kan has a moderate level of collaboration among its public, private, and civic sectors, as evidenced by strong collaboration between government agencies, a moderate collaboration between citizens and government, and significantly low levels of collaboration between the private and public sectors. Additionally, this study identifies nine barriers to collaboration in Bueng Kan, including the lack of support from public agencies, citizens' inactivity, political prejudice, low civic awareness, the absence of intermediary entities to facilitate collaboration, individual economic conditions, labor migration, ineffective public communication, as well as the issue of official rotation. This study offers four methods to advance collaborative action in Bueng Kan, including the establishment of a central mechanism for collaboration, the integration of technology to facilitate holistic participation, the development of policies that promote job and income opportunities for citizens in Bueng Kan, and the increasing role and awareness of civic and private sectors regarding the importance of their collaborations.

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How to Cite
Areeaue, S. ., & Pholsim, S. (2024). Breaking Barriers: A Study on Collaboration and Integrated Development in Bueng Kan Province, Thailand. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(1), 131–158. Retrieved from
Research Article


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