Causes and Behaviors of New Soldiers with Addictive Substance Problems in a New Military Training Unit Program in the Southern Border Provinces

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Suttichai Rakjan
Kerawan Tongkiree
Kamonpun Yawananon


This research article entitled Causes and Behaviors of New Soldiers with Addictive Substance Problems in a New Military Training Unit Program in the Southern Border Provinces aimed to study 1) causes of drug involvement of new soldiers to be educated in the new military program at a new military training unit in the southern border provinces, 2) behaviors related to drugs in the social and personal behavior aspects of new soldiers to be trained in the new military program at a new military training unit in the southern border provinces, and 3) strategies to prevent and solve drug problems of new soldiers at a new military training unit in the three southern border provinces. The researcher used qualitative research methods. The research results studied through the new soldiers in a new military training unit in the southern border provinces were 1) the causes of drug involvement of new soldiers to be trained in the new soldier program at a new soldier training unit in the southern border provinces were their desire to try drugs followed by the people close to them, 2) the behaviors of the new soldiers involved in drugs included social aspects, various wrongdoings, and personal issues that affected themselves and their family, and 3) the guidelines for preventing and solving drug problems at a new military training unit in the southern border provinces followed the policies and plans from the Royal Thai Army. The main guidelines included promoting learning, awareness, and participation in empowerment in drug prevention behaviors, organizing creative activities, promoting career development, seeking for drug addicts by separating the drug addicts from other groups of soldiers and detaining, treating, and having physical and mental rehabilitation.

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How to Cite
Rakjan, S., Tongkiree, K., & Yawananon, K. . (2024). Causes and Behaviors of New Soldiers with Addictive Substance Problems in a New Military Training Unit Program in the Southern Border Provinces. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(1), 217–252. Retrieved from
Research Article


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