An Intellectual Review of the Origin of Chinese Citizenship: A Case Study of Liang Qichao

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Sittithep Eaksittipong


Research on citizenship in Thai academia usually draws from western experience as a primary source of reference. This study, however, shifts its focus to the origin of Chinese citizenship, aiming to address the existing gap in Thai academic discourse on citizenship studies. Furthermore, this research aims to fill the knowledge gap on modern Chinese history in Thailand by delving into intellectual movements of the time. Specifically, it examines the intersection of Chinese citizenship and the process of nation-state building. This research employs historical approach with a particular emphasis on intellectual history. Through this lens, the study uncovers the historical evolution of Chinese citizenship and transformative context of the late Qing era. A key component of the analysis is the examination of "Xinmin Shuo," a work authored by Liang Qichao. The findings of this research underscore the pivotal role played by Liang's work in defining Chinese citizenship. The definition of Chinese citizenship defined by Liang, who emphasized the superiority of state over citizen, exerts lasting influence on the subsequent eras' state-citizen relationship.

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How to Cite
Eaksittipong, S. (2023). An Intellectual Review of the Origin of Chinese Citizenship: A Case Study of Liang Qichao. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(2), 49–70. retrieved from
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