The Using of Board Game as a Change Driven Tool: A Finding of Using Sim Democracy for Enhancing Civic Skills in Thailand

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Wasin Punthong
Chalinee Sonphlay
Pimrapaat Dusadeeisariyakul
Kwankaow Kongdecha


This research firstly aims at understanding the facilitation strategies for enhancing civic skills in Thailand developed by the following users of Sim Democracy: political parties, civil society organizations and educational institutions. Secondly, it seeks to synthesize the model for the implementation of game for enhancing civic skills. In terms of research design, this is qualitative research. All data are collected from documentary research and in-depth interviews. The research presents the following findings. In Thailand, the political party under study employs Sim Democracy to cultivate the network of youth leaders. At the same time, the game is widely adopted in educational institutions of different levels – schools and universities. The objective is to equip the players with knowledge about democratic citizenship. For the civil society organization under study, the game is used to foster the network of youth leaders and enhance the understanding about democratic citizenship. Secondly, in terms of the synthesis of the model for the implementation of game for enhancing civic skills, we have developed the 3x3 strategy. It provides a step-by-step and systematic implementation strategy that could help to achieve the set objectives. The model shows the interrelationships between conditions at the intra-organizational, inter-organizational and societal levels. These conditions influence the design and implementation of facilitation strategies for enhancing civic skills.

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How to Cite
Punthong, W. ., Sonphlay, C., Dusadeeisariyakul, P. ., & Kongdecha, K. . (2023). The Using of Board Game as a Change Driven Tool: A Finding of Using Sim Democracy for Enhancing Civic Skills in Thailand. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(2), 71–106. Retrieved from
Research Article


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