The Roles of Smart Governance in Promoting the Citizenship in Japan

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Thawatchai Worrakittimalee


The concept of smart cities pertains to the management of urban communities as pursued by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on the development of sustainable cities and communities. Japan is among the countries that have experienced the challenges of urbanization and have consequently embraced the idea of smart cities as a means to tackle the associated urban issues. The utilization of smart cities initially revolved around energy management but has since expanded to encompass the resolution of social issues, with a particular emphasis on the welfare of residents. This article aims to describe the role of smart cities in promoting citizenship through an examination of the smart governance dimension, which emphasizes public participation and collaboration between the government and private sector. The author employs a case study centered on Japan to clarify the issue and discovers that Japan's smart city policy encompasses not only governmental or municipal entities but also emphasizes the participation of both the private and public sectors. The Japanese municipalities prioritize the principles of participation, partnership, collaboration, and communication, which encompass the fundamental components of smart government. The application of smart governance to the political administration in Japan enhances the effectiveness of public administration, fosters an improved quality of life for people and strengthens citizenship. This approach is expected to result in the attainment of the highest level of sustainable economic development.

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How to Cite
Worrakittimalee, T. (2023). The Roles of Smart Governance in Promoting the Citizenship in Japan. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 14(2), 119–136. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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