The Study of Myanmar Egress: Civil Society in Partnership with the State

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Mon Mon Myat


The previous studies of so-called political transition in Myanmar after 2010 widely spotlights the significant role of civil society groups. Myanmar Egress is inevitable in any study related to civil society in Myanmar and widely recognised as a group willing to work with the military regime for country change. However, the role of Myanmar Egress for the transition was unclear whether it should be understood as a civil society group or a regime’s advocate. This has created confusion about relation between civil society and the State. The present article uses the lens of Simone Chambers and Jeffrey Kopstein on the relation of Civil Society to the State to examine the role of Myanmar Egress in the particular period, pre and post 2010, and the contemporary context following the 2021 military coup. Through a qualitative research method consisting of in-depth interviews, and secondary data from published articles, this study observes the relation between a civic group like Myanmar Egress and the State toward the transition to military-sponsored democracy. The case study demonstrates that Myanmar Egress was the main actor which paved the way for political transition in 2010. Although Egress put enormous effort into regime change but as it turns out, such changes were part and parcel of military-sponsored democracy. The study examines Myanmar Egress’s relation to the state in two types: civil society in dialogue with the state; and civil society in partnership with the state.

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How to Cite
Myat, M. M. (2024). The Study of Myanmar Egress: Civil Society in Partnership with the State. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(2), 67–88. retrieved from
Research Article


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