The Evaluation Practices of ODA Providers in Assessing the Effectiveness of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Projects in Vietnam

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Margaux Annie Marie Duhem


Vietnam is at the forefront of the environmental, social and health challenges posed by global warming, requiring robust climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Official Development Assistance (ODA) is emerging as a potential solution, providing financial support from developed countries to less favoured countries. However, the effectiveness of ODA in addressing climate issues remains uncertain, with criticism mounting over its mixed results and the continued existence of asymmetrical donor-recipient relationships. Through the lens of the Support Programme to Respond to Climate Change (SP-RCC), a joint budget programme launched in 2009 by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and supported by the World Bank, this article examines ODA's commitment to international environmental governance by supporting Vietnam's development of an environmental institutional framework. Focusing on the SP-RCC's evaluation system, which is based on internationally established aid effectiveness criteria, the article shows that the evaluation framework struggles to capture the SP-RCC's contribution to coherent environmental governance in Vietnam. The study highlights the failure of the evaluation to explain and address the lack of cooperation between the different actors involved in the SP-RCC, the problems of the programme's alignment with the Vietnamese government's objectives, and the programme's impact at the local level. The analysis highlights the challenges of aligning international recommendations with national strategies and the complexity of assessing the impact of aid on climate change adaptation and mitigation. The paper contributes to research on aid effectiveness in climate change adaptation and mitigation by taking an original approach: examining the role of international aid effectiveness criteria in guiding ODA targets and the impact this can have on recipient countries.  Recommendations include the refinement of evaluation methodologies to improve understanding of aid impacts, the need to emphasise context specificity, and to promote the inclusion of NGOs and academics in donor evaluation systems.

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How to Cite
Duhem, M. A. M. (2024). The Evaluation Practices of ODA Providers in Assessing the Effectiveness of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Projects in Vietnam. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(Suppl. 1), 103–134. Retrieved from
Research Article


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