Guidelines for Developing Mechanisms and Models for Local Governance through Participatory Budgeting

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Walaiporn Chinnasri
Supanut Subnavin


This research article aims to: 1) study the creation of a mechanism to strengthen the network cooperation in local government management through participatory budgeting and 2) study the guidelines for creating a mechanism and developing a model to strengthen the network cooperation in local government management through participatory budgeting. This study employed qualitative research methods using participatory community analysis techniques (Participatory Rural Appraisal: PRA) with in-depth interviews and small group discussions. The key informants were local government organization leaders, community leaders in the study area, public sector/civil society network, private network, government network, and academic and educational institution network totaling 60 people. The results of the study revealed that the mechanisms for developing the model to strengthen network cooperation comprised 1) supportive rules and regulations, 2) cooperative leader, 3) strong public sector, 4) collaborative network, 5) participatory budgeting, 6) sufficient budget support, and 7) activity or project continuity. Additionally, the research results suggested that the existing collaborative funds should be promoted through network partners in all sectors, whereas the cooperative activities should be implemented through participatory budgeting with the execution of collaborative leaders.

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How to Cite
Chinnasri, W., & Subnavin, S. . (2024). Guidelines for Developing Mechanisms and Models for Local Governance through Participatory Budgeting. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(2), 251–292. retrieved from
Research Article


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