The Implementation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy: A Case Study of Small Private Power Producers (SPP)
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The objective of this research article was to study the implementation of policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by small private power producers. The research also assessed the administrative burden that electricity producers bear in implementing the policies. This research used a qualitative research approach. The researcher used data collection methods through in-depth interviews with small private power producers at 8 power plants. Data gained from the interviews were analyzed to determine the themes for discussions. The research results found that there were 3 measures to reduce greenhouse gases, comprising 1) measures to increase the efficiency of electricity production and electricity production with renewable energy, 2) measures to create sustainable awareness in the private sector, and 3) voluntary greenhouse gas reduction projects. The research identified problems with resources. Moreover, there were learning costs and costs for implementing the policies. However, actions to reduce greenhouse gases revealed good results for the organization, including creating a good image for the organization and having additional income channels. Power plants can reduce resource costs in the organization by utilizing the organization's greenhouse gas figures in corporate strategic planning. Accordingly, the government sector should speed up the enactment of more stringent laws and regulations to reduce greenhouse gases as well as allocate budgets for greenhouse gases and use them to support the business sector.
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