MERCOSUR: Challenges and Opportunities in the Regional and Global Order

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Tales Henrique Simoes


Over the course of its 30 years, Mercosur (Southern Common Market) has undergone various political, economic and social transformations, which have had repercussions on its institutional configuration, enduring periods of progress, expansion, stagnation and setbacks. The bloc has certainly not been immune to challenges in the intra- and extra-regional relations of its member states. The present work seeks to analyze, from a critical and realistic approach, the evolution and development of Mercosur as a regional institution in the face of regional and global geopolitical challenges. Geopolitical uncertainties and economic difficulties show a tendency towards centrifugal forces in the regional organization, in which intra-regional trade and the joint insertion of member states show a propensity towards disarrangement and distancing. The study is justified by the need to investigate the ongoing challenges faced by Mercosur, first by delving into its historical background its institutional development and second by analyzing how it has evolved over the 1990s, the 2000s and the 2010s. We aim at identifying the current economic and geopolitical obstacles and adversities for the bloc to act as a radiator of South American integration.

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Simoes, T. H. (2024). MERCOSUR: Challenges and Opportunities in the Regional and Global Order. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(Suppl. 1), 55–78. Retrieved from
Research Article


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