The Political Economy of Business Trust: An Ethnographic Case Study of Thai Yunnanese Transnational Entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai

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Kian Cheng Lee


This paper argues that the multiplicity of business plays a crucial role in the political economic development of six key respondents Thai Yunnanese transnational entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai who engaged business trust to rise economically against their historically marginalized context. Through an ethnographic research method with in-depth qualitative interviews and participant observation of over 30 respondents, this paper selectively investigates how six key respondents, Thai Yunnanese (Thai nationals with Yunnanese Chinese origins) transnational entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai, engage business trust to rise economically against their historically marginalized context. Summarily, this paper demonstrates that business trust comprises multi-faceted strategies, multiple paradoxically mitigating risk-taking mechanisms, and multi-dimensional flexible life cycles. Theoretically, this paper seeks to critically contribute to the fields of Chinese capitalism (that neglects marginalized overseas ethnic Chinese sub-groups) and political economy of trust in social sciences (that narrowly confines trust as conceptually static and unitary while limiting the epistemological capacity of trust as organizational). Practically, this paper offers recommendations at the global, regional, national and individual levels.

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How to Cite
Lee, K. C. (2024). The Political Economy of Business Trust: An Ethnographic Case Study of Thai Yunnanese Transnational Entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(Suppl. 2), 63–92. retrieved from
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