Sino-Thai Energy Collaboration: A Chinese Perspective on the Present State, Emerging Challenges, and Prospective Trajectories

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Qian Wang
Xiaolong Zou


China-Thailand energy cooperation has made significant progress in recent years, positively contributing to the economic development and energy security of both countries. The purpose of this article is to discuss the current situation, challenges, and prospects of energy cooperation between China and Thailand. Firstly, the article reviews the history and development trends of China-Thailand energy cooperation, emphasizing the collaborative projects between the two countries in oil, natural gas, renewable energy, and electricity. Second, the article analyzes the main challenges facing Sino-Thai energy cooperation, including energy price volatility, ecological concerns, and environmental protection in sustainable development. The article then explores potential opportunities for future Sino-Thai energy cooperation, including the prospects for promoting innovation in clean energy technology and strengthening regional cooperation through energy connectivity. Finally, the article summarizes the significance of energy cooperation between China and Thailand, emphasizing that collaboration in the energy sector will positively impact regional and global energy security.

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How to Cite
Wang, Q., & Zou, X. (2024). Sino-Thai Energy Collaboration: A Chinese Perspective on the Present State, Emerging Challenges, and Prospective Trajectories. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 15(Suppl. 1), 7–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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