The Military and Democratization in Thailand since 14 October 1973

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Panuwat Panduprasert


It is commonly accepted in the field of civil-military relations that the military cannot contribute positively to democratization processes. This article argues, however, that under certain circumstances it is possible for the military to play a democratizing role. During transitions to democracy in developing countries in particular, a strong institution such as the military may be required to oversee the situation. Therefore, we should not completely disregard the possibility that the military can make positive contributions to democratization but it is better to be aware of situations in which the military may be able to play that role. This article analyzes the democratizing role of Thailand's military since the event of 14 October 1973 to the present, drawing on Aurel Croissant et al's classification of the areas of the military's political influence. Three of these areas of influence are discussed in this article, namely, elite recruitment, public policy, and internal security. The article argues that the Thai military have made both positive and negative contributions to the country's democratization processes in all three areas.

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How to Cite
Panduprasert, P. (2017). The Military and Democratization in Thailand since 14 October 1973. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 4(1), 89–123. Retrieved from
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