Best Practice of People's Networks for Anti - Drug in Bangkok

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Usa Sutthisakorn



The objective of this paper is to present the best practice of people's networks for protection and solution of narcotics problem in Bangkok Metropolitan. The study was conducted in 51 communities' networks for protection and solution of narcotics problem in Bangkok Metropolitan during August to December 2011. The methodology is qualitative research, using group interview 150 networks committees and observations in communities.

The result showed the best practice of 4 networks which could be role model for other communities as followings; 1) Klong Tuey network: the role model for public awareness concern of narcotics protection in community. 2) Lak-Si network: the role model for management and learning process of narcotics protection and solution in community. 3) ADP Pranakorn network: the role model for integrating social and cultural capital into narcotics protection and solution in community. 4) Nong-Kam network: the role model for community's therapy for addiction.

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How to Cite
Sutthisakorn, U. (2017). Best Practice of People’s Networks for Anti - Drug in Bangkok. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 4(1), 216–238. retrieved from
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