The Concept of Consent and Representation in Chart Kobjitti’s Novels and Short stories

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Wuttichai Chaiwut


This article deals with the concept of how the ideas of Consent and Representation relate to the certain social contexts mentioned in Chart Korbjitti’s novels and short stories. The concepts are influenced by Thailand’s political and social environments under the Semi Democracy circumstances, which some of the representatives are from government officers or outsiders instead of from an appropriate election. Obviously, Chart tries to reflect the idea of selecting righteous representatives that must be consented and approved by all the people; which is the key concept of the Liberal Democracy where the people have rights and freedom to choose their representatives who would work effectively and could fulfil civil’s satisfaction and maintain public benefits. Therefore,  it leads to the concept of Representation claiming about an efficient representative should have mantles in defending collective interests for the people and nation. In Chart’s books, there appears reflections of affectations of having a representative which is not from an election and does not perform along the path of justice. It could be said that Chart obtains aforesaid ideas from the circumstances of Semi Democracy in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Chaiwut, W. (2015). The Concept of Consent and Representation in Chart Kobjitti’s Novels and Short stories. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 6(1-2), 5–24. Retrieved from
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