Migration Selection Policy of Healthcare Labour from Southeast Asian Countries to Japan under Economic Partnership Agreements

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Usamard Siampukdee


Japan has signed the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) regarding the collaboration on movement of natural in persons (MNPs) since 2006 to receive nurses and caregivers from countries in Southeast Asia. It is considered the early official scheme for Japan to accept foreign healthcare workers through the government to government arrangements. The implication of the policy reveals the significance of healthcare context as well as the state’s policy towards the care labour mobility in the region reflecting from receiving and sending countries. This paper discusses the implication of labour selectivity applied through the immigration policy of accepting foreign healthcare workers. The debate focuses on the notion of discriminating professionalism from the host countries like Japan towards the labour sending countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The paper explores the discourse of international division of reproductive labour as well as examines politics of policy-oriented towards managing international migration of healthcare labour.

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How to Cite
Siampukdee, U. (2015). Migration Selection Policy of Healthcare Labour from Southeast Asian Countries to Japan under Economic Partnership Agreements. Political Science and Public Administration Journal, 6(1-2), 127–145. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/polscicmujournal/article/view/86910
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